New Works in the Field


Editors’ Note: Allison Schnable introduces Amateurs without Borders: The Aspirations and Limits of Global Compassion (University of California Press, 2021). This is Schnable’s recently-published book examining the rise of new actors in the international development world: volunteer-driven grassroots international nongovernmental organizations.  In 1968, the radical priest and social critic Ivan Illich addressed a conference of North … Continue reading

NGOs and International Development: What have we learned, how did we learn it, and where should NGO research go next?
New Works in the Field

NGOs and International Development: What have we learned, how did we learn it, and where should NGO research go next?

Editors’ Note: Collecting and analyzing three decades of NGO research, Allison Schnable, Jennifer N. Brass, and Rachel S. Robinson have asked: “what have we learned, and how have we learned it?  Where should NGO scholarship go next?” Recently published in World Development, the authors share their findings.  The 1980s were dubbed “the NGO decade.”  In fact, however, these … Continue reading